Responsible employer
As a family-owned business in the ninth generation, we have always shown a high level of social commitment to our employees and society. From the mid-19th century, social institutions like kindergartens, schools and employee housing were established.
In 2000, we adopted the “Faber-Castell Social Charter” with IG Metall, voluntarily committing to employment and working conditions recommended by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in our production and distribution sites. This globally valid agreement, one of the first of its kind, is regularly audited at our worldwide locations.
Diversity and inclusion
Our diversity and inclusion projects
Multifaceted initiatives
Globalmente, integramos políticas de gestão de talentos e planejamento de sucessão para promover especificamente as funcionárias.
Pencil set “Children of the World”
Cooperation with EnChroma
EnChroma is a company that develops special glasses to enable people with colour vision deficiencies to see in colour. Faber-Castell supports this work through joint campaigns such as a Father's Day colouring competition.
Promoting creativity and education
For us, fostering creativity and education go hand in hand. As a “companion for life,” Faber- Castell aims to nurture creativity in everyone from the young to the elderly, inspiring customers with innovative products for creative experiences.
Creativity is a key human differentiator, also increasingly important in the workplace. Handwriting and drawing support fine motor skills and cognitive abilities, which are crucial for learning and development.
Our high-quality products for painting, drawing and writing provide tools for creative expression and learning worldwide, empowering people to express their ideas for a more sustainable future.
We believe that unleashed creativity can positively change the world.
Our projects on creativity and education
Academia Faber-Castell
A Faber-Castell Academy, criada em 1995 em nossa sede em Stein, é uma instituição educacional independente que se concentra no desenvolvimento da personalidade e da criatividade individuais. A admissão aos estudos é baseada no talento criativo e não nas qualificações acadêmicas.
Projeto Tabaluga da Eberhard Faber
A Peter Maffay Foundation ajuda crianças traumatizadas por meio de programas de terapia artística. Apoiamos seu trabalho doando uma parte dos lucros de nossos produtos Eberhard Faber Tabaluga.
Concursos de desenho e pintura
Projectos na Austrália, Brasil, Alemanha, Índia, Indonésia e noutros locais, apoiamos o ensino das artes nas escolas e incentivamos os jovens a dar largas à sua criatividade através de concursos de pintura e desenho.
Nossa fundação
Instituto Faber-Castell no Brasil
As iniciativas são financiadas por doações de nossos funcionários, e nós igualamos cada real (R$) doado voluntariamente para ampliar o fundo.